Working group
Legal and Regulatory Watch
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> Monitoring legislative and regulatory developments
In order to monitor legislative and regulatory developments, the WG closely tracks proposals for new policy and legal frameworks as well as proposed changes to those already existing; in particular the WG provides comments through the relevant channels on proposals for new Luxembourg legislation and provides responses to public consultations launched by key institutions such as the European Commission and ESMA.
> Interacting with entities that are involved/consulted in the legislative process
Based on the rich and varied experience of members of the WG and based on feedback received from participants in the Luxembourg capital markets industry, we consider possible policy or legislative changes that could be made in order to address practical issues, which are caused by current legislation or the lack thereof.
Where appropriate, the WG proposes solutions to implement these changes, e.g. addressing the relevant ministries on the issues or highlighting possible changes, which may become the subject of draft laws in the future.
> Future Plans
The WG is currently planning to hold workshops/conferences in which we will invite experts to speak on capital markets subject matters which are topical national level and abroad.
- Legal & Regulatory Watch

On 29 January 2021, LuxCMA responded to the consultation on the review of the Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive (AIFMD), which was published by the European Commission in October last year.